Thursday, December 25, 2008

Mit frygtelige juletræ

Jeg tror nok at mit juletræ er noget af det mest overpyntede man kan finde. Det er en slags sport, at få hængt så meget som muligt på det. Der er gammelt, nyt, hjemmelavet og købt, samlet gennem snart 40 år. Noget er fra min fars barndom, noget er fra da jeg selv var barn og noget er fra min mands barndom.

My terrible Christmas tree

My Christmas tree is extremely overdecorated for a tree from Denmark. It is a kind of sport, to hang as much as possible on it. There are old, new, homemade and bought ornaments collected in nearly 40 years. Some is from my fathers childhood, some from my own childhood and some is from my husbands childhood.


  1. Your tree is not is beautiful and must have lots of memories.

    God Jul!

  2. Your Christmas tree is glorious. I have clicked and enlarged every picture and my heart and my eyes are very happy. Thank you for sharing and adding cheer to my Christmas Day.

  3. The Christmas tree is wonderful, and the memories are the best decorations. Thank you for sharing the photos, and look forward to seeing it more decorated next Christmas.
    Judy B

  4. Your christmas tree is beautiful!!! It is like mine, a memory tree with forty years memories tied on it!! I wish you many more beautiful christmases and even more memories!!!

  5. I love it. It's fun, festive, and beautiful. It doesn't get much better than that! (and it looks a bit like mine) :)
