Friday, January 30, 2009

Orange hjerte

Det her hjerte er næsten umuligt at flette: papiret går i stykker, jeg har lappet med tape et enkelt sted.
De smalle striber klippes, men bliver kun flettet hver for sig i midterfeltet.

Orange heart

It is nearly impossible to make: the paper breaks, I had to repare with some tape on the backside.
The narrow different coloured strips are cut, but is only woven individually in the square in the middle.

1 comment:

  1. This is beautiful! But I am quite sure I am going to need Diane's help when I make it! I have downloaded a few of your hearts as a valentine to myself! Now we will see how well I do making them. Can't wait to start. Thank you so much for making them for all of us.
