Saturday, July 25, 2009


Denne æske har taget mig temmelig lang tid, jeg troede aldrig at den skulle lykkes. Jeg havde forelsket mig i skovbundens blomster.

Forest box

It has been a lot of work, allmost 14 days, I did not believe it to succeed. I wanted to praise the flowers in the forest.


  1. Dear Margit,
    You are very talented! Everytime I see one of your new boxes, I think it is the most beautiful one, but then your next box is even more incredible. This forest flower box is gorgeous and one of my favorites. Thank you!

  2. Ja, den er een af de rigtig smukke! Jeg har ikke været i skoven i lange tider....jeg får helt lyst til en tur!

  3. It is beautiful - thank you!

  4. I agree with Karen! 100%! I didn't think you could top the pansies - and now you design this amazingly gorgeous box. And with forest flowers and ferns which are my very favorite flora! THANK YOU!
