Monday, November 16, 2009

En efterårs tur

Min søn og svigerdatter skulle rejse hjem. På turen hjem fra lufthavnen, tog jeg en del billeder, det var en grå og mørk dag.
På et af billederne er der noget der ligner æbler, det er svampe, jeg aner ikke hvilke, og jeg ville ikke tage dem med hjem, de var så dekorative hvor de var.
På det øverste billede er træet i midten et gammelt egetræ, det er hult, og halvdelen af stammen er knækket af, det kaldes "Brændte Ole" sagnet siger, at en svensk soldat havde gemt sig i det, og at lynet slog ned, man fandt så skelettet manfe år senere.
Jeg har fået ny computer, det er temmeligt vanskeligt, den viser farver og lys på en helt anden måde, så jeg ved faktisk ikke hvordan det hele kommer til at se ud.

A walk in the late autum

My son and daughter in law, were going home by airplane. When I went home from the airport, I stopped to take a look around and take some photos, it was a dark and grey day.
One of the photos shows something looking like apples, they are mushrooms, I dont know the name of them, and did not want to pick them, they looked so nice where they were.
On the picture in top of the others, the tree in the middle is an old oak, half of the trunk has broken off, and it is hollow. It is called "Burned Ole", There is an old tale about it: A Sweedish soldier, did hide himself inside the trunk, the tree was hit from a flash of lightening, and he was found many years later as a skelleton.
I have bought a new laptop, everything is new and strange, and I have great difficulties with light and colours, so I must hope that it is going to look like I want it to.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hello

    How beautiful the autumnal colors in your counry!! I like the first and fourth photos in particular. Red leaves are so lovely! The round yellow ones are mushrooms? I love mushrooms!
    Thank you for sharing!!

  3. Thank you for your beautiful photographs and boxes. This was going to be the year when I went for a walk with my camera, but my niece is gravely ill. Your photos have lifted my spirits and I'm going to make her one of your boxes for her birthday. Thank you once again!!!

  4. I tried to leave a comment but had difficulty - I hope this wil not be a duplicate.

    I have always respected your photographic eye, Margit, and these images simply confirm that you do indeed have a great eye for a photograph.

    I love that you notice the little details here and there just as I do when walking.

    Thank you for sharing.
