Thursday, January 14, 2010


Min far syntes altid,at Østersøen var en latterlig lille kop vand (han voksede op ved Vesterhavet); men nogengange er der nu rigeligt med bølger for mig, det er altid hundekoldt når vinden er i øst. Jeg vovede mig ikke ud, da vejret var koldest og bølgerne størst, jeg havde ikke rigtig lyst.


My father always said that the Baltic Sea was a ridicoulous litle cup of water (he grew up near the North Sea), but sometimes there is enough water for me: It gets terribly cold when the wind comes from east. I did not fell like going out when the wind was worst, so the photos are from the day after.


  1. Hello Margit.

    Oh I have never seen the Baltic Sea with my own eyes. The waves look high but the sunlit sea looks beautiful! The atmosphere of the winter sea realy comes across in your photos!! Isn't the sea abundant in fish? Thank you for sharing these winter shots! It is freezingly cold here too. But I think the coldness here is not so severe as in your country! Please take care of yourself.

  2. Your photos are beautiful!!! I will never get to see the Baltic Sea, so I do appreciate them!! I live, like your father did, facing the North Sea and we've had those snowy,icy days too. You are braver than me, because my son banned me from going out (I slip very easily!!), so my photos were taken from my doorstep of the snow in my garden!!! I hope you have a happy and healthy 2010!!!

  3. Brrrrrrrrr! The weather looks freeeeeeezing! Thank you for braving the elements to share these gorgeous shots of the Baltic Sea as seen from Bornholm!

    I always appreciate and enjoy your pictures taken on your beautiful island. Thank you!
