Friday, October 29, 2010

Jeg er løbet tør for printerblæk

Min printer står og støver af tørst efter blæk, og de blækpatroner jeg har købt er forkerte. Jeg kan derfor ikke rigtig vise nogle af de projekter jeg har gang i, da jeg er nødt til at gennemprøve dem selv for at udelukke fejl. Jeg håber at der kommer blæk med posten i morgen.

I am out of ink

My printer is litterally dusty, and I have bought the wrong ink. It is impossible to show any projekts, because I have to try them out before publishing. Hope that the ink is here tomorrow.


  1. I am really amased over your enthusiasm spirit!
    Your blog is lifely and fun and you are also very clever at drawing flowers, making it into patterns, birds and other things.
    I am an Icelandic woman, and a Graphic Designer for over 25 years and I think you are „cool“

    Best wishes,
    Soffia, Reykjavik, Iceland

  2. Thank you so much for your comment. I got so happy to get such nice words from a professional, as I am only an amateur.
