Sunday, December 12, 2010

I morgen udkommer der en fantastisk bog om flettede fugle

Jeg må rødmende indrømme, at min første inspiration til underlige flettede hjerter kommer fra denne forfatter. Jeg så hans første bog: Jule fugle flet i en boghandel, men havde ikke råd til den på det tidspunkt. Derfor forsøgte jeg at lave noget i den stil; men nok ikke med helt samme raffinement. Undskyld Lars Holmsted!
Nu udkommer der en nr. 2 i morgen, den er helt sikkert værd at købe, da nr. 1 er helt fantastisk.
Her er linket:

A wonderful book with woven birds

I have to admit: My first inspiration for making strange woven hearts comes from this author. I saw his first book about woven birds in a book store, but did not have the money for it at that time. Then I tried to make something like it in my own way, they can not compete the elegans of what he made. Sorry Lars Holmsted!
Now it is possible to buy book number two, and as number one is fantastic, I will fully recommend it.
here is the link:
The technique is a little different from ordinary woven hearts: the two halves are put into one another, and woven from inside out.