Sunday, December 26, 2010


Det var et juletræ, som jeg nær ikke havde fået på grund af sneen. Ellers er vi så småt ved at vende tilbage til næsten normale tilstande her på Bornholm. Folk som strandede i Rønne på grund af sneen juleaften, er transporteret ud til deres bestemmelsessteder.

Christmas tree

This is the Christmas tree, I allmost never got, because of the snow. The island has nealy returned to normal, people who stranded in Roenne Christmas evening, has arrived to there destinations last evening.

1 comment:

  1. I have just finished enlarging every single image and savoring every ornament on your tree. Thank you so much for the time and effort you went to to share your tree with all of us.

    Your tree is beautiful and I am saving this post so I can enjoy it often.
