Saturday, May 14, 2011

Ny drueæske

På baggrund af min søns store utilfredshed med den grønne drueæske, har jeg prøvet at videreudvikle den. Jeg ved ikke om de her to er bedre. Er der nogen der har en mening? Og er der nogen der kan sige mig hvilken af de her to varianter der er bedst?

New grape box

My sons critic on the last green grape box was rather hard. Therefor I have tried to change it. I do not know they are better. Is there any body who has an opinion? And could you tell me which one of the blue ones is best?


  1. Hvis jeg skal vælge en af de to, må det blive den første..

  2. Til Quie
    Tusind tak for din kommentar.
    Når jeg spørger læsere til råds, er det fordi jeg ofte er meget i tvivl, så din kommentar er guld værd for mig.

  3. Ilike the top one best. There seems to be more contrast and the design pops out.

    For the record, i like the green one too. I am enjoying your new adventure.

    I owe you a reply to your lovely e-mail, I haven't forgotten.

  4. Hello Margit

    This is a lovely box. I love the color and design.
    By the way, did you figure out the name of the remontant (twice blooming) blossoms in your old post? We have a remontant type of cherry tree called Fudan-zakura. I have no idea whether yours is the same type but the Fudan-zakura too bloom with white blossoms in late autumn and then bloom again with pale pink blossoms in spring.

  5. To sapphire
    Thank you so much, it sounds exactly like the tree where I work. It has some small delicate flowers in december, and bigger pink in the spring.
