Garder i skilderhus
Det er lidt underligt, at en forholdsvist pacifistisk person som jeg, laver en garder som julepynt, men jeg har altid syntes at Den Kongelige Livgarde er et festligt indslag i København.
Monogrammet er en tillempning af Christian den syvendes monogram, da Dronningens er beskyttet, og Christian den fjerdes er brugt på et legetøjsskilderhus fra et kendt legetøjsfirma.
Christmas ornaments with Royal Guards
It may be a strange ornament for people from other countries than Denmark, but The Royal Guarde is a nice part of the life in Copenhagen, with the march from their residence to the Royal castle playing flutes and drums.
The monogramme on the roof is made from the monogramme of a king in the 1800. century, as the monogramme of our Queen is protected.
Det er lidt underligt, at en forholdsvist pacifistisk person som jeg, laver en garder som julepynt, men jeg har altid syntes at Den Kongelige Livgarde er et festligt indslag i København.
Monogrammet er en tillempning af Christian den syvendes monogram, da Dronningens er beskyttet, og Christian den fjerdes er brugt på et legetøjsskilderhus fra et kendt legetøjsfirma.
Christmas ornaments with Royal Guards
It may be a strange ornament for people from other countries than Denmark, but The Royal Guarde is a nice part of the life in Copenhagen, with the march from their residence to the Royal castle playing flutes and drums.
The monogramme on the roof is made from the monogramme of a king in the 1800. century, as the monogramme of our Queen is protected.
It just so happens that I can not decorate my tree without first placing two little soldiers that I have had since 1975 in their special place near the top!!! Now they shall have company from a very special friend.