Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Østerlars Rundkirke

Jeg har ude for at tage nogle billeder af Bornholmske kirker. Da de vel er kendte for danskere, skriver jeg ikke så meget, men her er et link:

The round church Østerlars (eastern Laurentius)

I have taken some photos of churches on Bornholm, this is Østerlars. 
We have four round churches on Bornholm, they are very special for the island, but there are a few round churches in the other parts of Denmark, and some in Sweden. There is one thing that is special about the round churches on Bornholm, they have only one column in the middle of the church, the other round churches have four columns.
The Bornholmish round churches has very thick walls, and they are build like a kind of fortifications. The Baltic sea was rather unpeasefulle in the early middle age, and maybe they had this shape to deffend the possetions of the churches. The taxes paid to the church were often paid in grain, and the upper floor of the churches is as big as the churchroom.
Østerlars church is build ca. 1150. Here is a link to a site about it, with some good photos of the interior and the buildings construction:


  1. Fantastisk - smukke fotos af en af Bornholms kirker! Gode efterårshilsener sendes fra København

  2. Beautiful! Thanks for sharing :)

  3. Your pictures are beautiful - and i have saved them in a special bookmark. 1150 - THAT is a long time ago! And look at how beautifully these buildings have been preserved - especially considering the harsh winters that sometimes visit.

    I am still convinced that your island had some very special significance to the ancients.
