Monday, December 24, 2012

Glædelig jul

Min Svigerdatter og jeg er endelig færdige med at pynte juletræ, det tager sin tid! Som sædvanlig skulle vi igennem en mindre krise, da foden skulle sættes på.
Nissen med det blå skæg er een af de ting som skal med hvert år: Min søn lavede den i skolen som en lille dreng, han kom stolt hjem med den, og jeg måtte holde det store spørgsmål for mig selv: Hvorfor er skægget blåt? Først for et par år siden fik jeg spurgt, det var fordi der ikke var mere hvidt papir, derfor blev skægget blåt.
Jeg ved ikke hvorfor overskriften hele tiden bliver farvet enten blå eller gul, og hvorfor jeg ikke kan fjerne stregen under.

Merry Christmas

My daughter in law and I have decorated the Christmas tree, it takes some time! as usual, we had a minor crisis when we should put a foot on it.
The nisse with the blue beard has a place on my tree every year: My son, proudly, brought it home from scool, and I had to keep silent the big question: Why is the beard blue? At last some years ago I asked, the answer was: There was no white paper left.
I do not understand why the headings in Blogger always is blue or yellow, and why I can not remove the underscore. 



  1. I always, always love pictures of you Christmas tree, Margit! I have saved every one you have shared and will save these as well.

    Love the story of the Nisse with the blue beard. Priceless - finally after years of curiosity the answer!!!

    I am sure it is one of your favorites.

    Merry Christmas my friend.

  2. I read your blog for the wonderful paper creations you give us, but when I came to look after a long time away from the computer, I found the beautiful churches! I have been in many churches, cathedrals to very small ones, but I've never seen ones like you have on Bornholm. The huge tower looks very much like the grain elevators (don't know why they are called this) where people store grain near the railroad in the western US. And the ship hanging is amazing--I never heard of that. Thank you, Margit. Kate in Oregon
