Krans med blå anemoner
Vejledning kan læses på det underste udprintningsark. Det underste ark, det med ringen, udprintes på karton, de to andre på papir.
Wreath with hepatica
the tutorial can be found on one of the printable sheets. The sheet with the ring should be printed on cardstock, the two others on paper.
As my english is not the best, I hope that it is possible to understand the tutorial.
Vejledning kan læses på det underste udprintningsark. Det underste ark, det med ringen, udprintes på karton, de to andre på papir.
Wreath with hepatica
the tutorial can be found on one of the printable sheets. The sheet with the ring should be printed on cardstock, the two others on paper.
As my english is not the best, I hope that it is possible to understand the tutorial.