Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Blå valmueæske

En venlig person mente i en kommentar til min post om kuldsejlede projekter, at den her ikke var så slem. Derfor har jeg prøvet igen.
De to små halvmåner skæres ud, det er for at låget ikke går til bunds i æsken, og for at det kan åbnes igen.

Blue box with poppies

A friendly person commented my post about unfinished works, that the paper with the poppies could be used. I have given it a try.
The two half cirkles on the lid is cut out to prevent the lid from going too low in the box, and to use to open the lid.


  1. Love the shape of the box, but it took a little while to get my head around how the shape below was folded to get that shape box! Too much thinking about quilt designs!

    Judy B

  2. Thank you so much for your coment.
    I have to admit, that the only reason that it is because of my drawing program it is possible for me to make a shape with five sides.

  3. Yaaaay! Another beautiful box design! I love the contrast between the blue background and the bright poppies.

    I have some interesting textured paper I may try this with.
