Sunday, June 6, 2010

Kobbeåen een gang til

Desværre var jeg syg, på det tidspunkt hvor der er flest blomster; men det er stadig en dejlig tid.
Denne gang har jeg taget nogle billeder fra den anden ende af åen, hvor der er et vandfald.

Kobbeåen once more

It is a pity that I was ill at the time with most flowers, but it is still a beautifull time of the year.
This time I took some photos from the other end of the stream.

1 comment:

  1. What a beautiful, beautiful spot. the canopy must be very thick to screen out so much of the sun near the water. I could sit by the stream for hours. You no doubt find being there very nourishing and restorative.

    Thank you so much for again sharing this spot now that the trees are full of leaves and the grasses and flowers have carpeted the forest floor.
