Thursday, August 30, 2012

Det er en meget smuk årstid med gyldent lys. Jeg har taget billederne på strandstien mellem Svaneke og Listed.
Jeg har meget svært ved at få billederne til at centrere efter Blogger er lavet om.

Indian summer

It is a beautiful time of the year where the light has a golden shade. Theese photos are from the east coast of Bornholm.
I have some trouble posting after they changed Blogger.


☆sapphire said...

I love your sea posts!! I've read another sea post of yours too(March post). "It is a beautiful time of the year where the light has a golden shade" Really so. I've heard from Mette that it is about 20 degrees in your country in August. What a pleasant climate you have!!

Unknown said...

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pam said...

The only thing missing for perfection is a picnic basket and the company of a friend.

Sofia Mardegan said...

amazing landscape

Clipping Path said...

Beautiful card, I love the image and the design.