Saturday, January 30, 2010


Ja og vi er sikkert nådigt sluppet her ved kysten; men hele Bornholm er lukket.


And it must be much worse in the middle of the island, my island is closed down.


Unknown said...

Uha, Margit...I har rigtignok fået en snevejrstur! Godt det er weekend, og mange mennesker kan tillade sig at blive hjemme!

pam said...

What a change fropm the recent sunny pictures! But even your images in the snow - the cold, cold snow make me want to visit your island!

karen m. said...

Dear Margit,
I hope you are staying warm and safe. The photos look very calm and quiet.

☆sapphire said...

Hello Margit

Oh it looks so cold where you are.
Snow is very thick, isn't it?
Your photos are very lovely!!
Please take care of yourself!!