Saturday, August 27, 2011


Rispebjerg ligger på Sydbornholm, stedet har været kendt som en tilflugtsborg fra jernalderen, den må have været meget svær at indtage, da der er meget stejle skråninger på tre af siderne.
Senere har man ved udgravninger fundet ud af, at stedet også har været anvendt i bondestenalderen, da har det været et helligt sted med pælekonstruktioner i cirkler, der har været afbrændt store offerbål hvor man har brændt stenøkser og knogler.


Rispebjerg is a high point in southern Bornholm. It has been used as refuge fortification during the iron age. It must have been very difficult to conquer, as it has very steep slopes on three sides.
In the later years, archaeologists has found out, that it has been a sacred place in the neolithic period. They found holes in the ground from poles in circles, and they found out that there had been huge bonfires where stone axes made from flint and bones (or maybe animals) had been sacrificed. They found some round stones with symbolic suns engraved on them. It must have been a kind of suntemple.

1 comment:

pam said...

This just makes me more certain than ever that Bornholm was a very special place to the ancients.

Thank you for sharing these images.